Make Healthy Hobbies & Live Longer

Make Being Healthy one of Your Hobbies

Make Healthy Hobbies & Live Longer Boating

Make Healthy Hobbies & Live Longer

It certainly will be something that serves you well throughout your life. Make it fun. Study and learn as much as you can about what modern science and research says contributes to living a long healthy life. Devise a plan that is yours; then follow it. Get excited about living a vibrant healthy life; it is a worthy goal. Being healthy contributes (statistically) to living a long life. From about the time I was in my teens I have thought of old age as being 30 years older than I am at the time. Smile. I still feel that way today.  I will be 85 my next birthday.  Make being healthy one of your hobbies, you will life longer, and be glad you did.

