My Custom Bongo Boards - Learn Bongo Boarding

bongo boards
Stephen made the bongo boards here...

My Custom Bongo Boards - Learn Bongo Boarding

I love my bongo boards. I can vividly remember the first time I stood on a bongo board.  It was 1958 at Jeff Amsler's home.

The board shot out from under me and I was on the floor in an instant. I do a lot better now. I have more boards and rollers than in the photo. The boards vary in length according to the diameter of the roller.

My Balancing with Balls on a Bongo Board Video

Please see my video on balancing balls on a bongo board

Custom Baltic Birch Plywood Bongo Boards

Most of my rollers are various diameter PVC pipes. Several of my large diameter pipes I got for free at a trash site. The boards I use are Baltic Birch plywood. I find it to be very high-quality. The boards have grip tape on the bottom to keep them from slipping on the plastic pipe. At this time in my life at 81 years of age I am on four of my boards everyday.